Eyes Wide Shut

Erotic Sensation play abounds in this Deep Trance File. Just Drop easily into My web as you use all your senses to experience just how Deep you can go for Me. As you close your eyes you will discover that they have become wide shut. This is an Erotic pleasure file where you can FEEL so many things, but you will not be able to cum until the file is over, despite your desire. You know without your mind your sensations in your body are heightened, and I use that to My advantage! I also use a Deepener to take you as far as you can go for Me, and you will stay there little boy! This is a 42 minute Real Hypnosis MP3 File with light background music, Delta waves, Subliminal Messages and Binaural Beats. It has 7 layers of Multi-Voice and soundtracks to just completely overwhelm your senses and eliminate your Mind. You don’t need your eyes open, just keep them wide shut, little boy and follow Me!


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