Desire Cock

You know you have been thinking about it. Wanting to try it. Seeing it all over the internet. Men sucking cock. I know you want to try it. It is alright little one. That is why you need a Mistress to Control you and Force you to suck against your will, for My entertainment and pleasure. This file teaches you exactly what to do and how to do it. Desiring Cock and Cum. The first time you just won’t be able to get enough. No labels here, just ALL FUN, all the time. You only live once after all so why not enjoy it and experience everything that life has to offer guilt free with Me. Suck that Big dick all the way down your throat. Taste it, smell it, FEEL it going down. You know you NEED this! You can be Programmed to actually Do it for Me and just enjoy the pleasure. This is a 15 minute Domination MP3 file with light background music. Begin your Training NOW!




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