The Falling Men of September 11, 2001

This is in Tribute to all those who died on that world-changing day September 11, 2001. For those who saw the news early enough, it was not just one man who jumped to his death, it was dozens of people. They would rather jump, than be consumed in the flames. Yet all that remains are photos of ONE jumper. Within a few short hours, they had removed the footage of the jumpers. Twenty years later everything is Hidden. Thousands of photos and videos were taken that morning and this is all that remain for the few that remember. Never forget.

The following account from Associated Press photographer Richard Drew is excerpted from the book “September 11: The 9/11 Story, Aftermath and Legacy,” an in-depth look at AP’s coverage of 9/11 and the events that followed. On that day, Drew made one of the most indelible — and harrowing — images of the 21st century. It accompanies this story, but not as the main image.

My family calls it “the picture that won’t go away.” Most newspaper editors refused to print it. Those who did, on the day after the World Trade Center attacks, received hundreds of letters of complaint.

The photograph was denounced as coldblooded, ghoulish and sadistic. Then it vanished.

Yet 20 years later, I still get asked about it. I’ve been invited on national talk shows, interviewed by foreign TV crews and asked to speak about it at universities across the country. Esquire magazine published a 7,000-word essay that hailed it as an icon, a masterpiece and a touching work of art. Entertainer and photo collector Sir Elton John called it “probably one of the most perfect photographs ever taken.”

All this for a single frame out of hundreds shot in haste before I was pulled to safety as the second tower of the World Trade Center tumbled toward me.

My fellow photographers called it “the most famous picture nobody’s ever seen.” But, in fact, it was seen. Whenever it’s mentioned, people say, “Oh, that’s the one where the guy looks like he’s swan-diving.” Or, “That’s the one where the guy’s body is lined up perfectly with the lines of the World Trade Center.” And then there is: “I know — it’s the one where, if you turn it upside down, it looks like the guy is sitting on a chair.”

I find that ironic. Here’s a photograph that was considered too upsetting for readers to look at. Yet people were turning it upside down to take a second look from a different angle.

9/11: A World Changed

Pedestrians in lower Manhattan watch smoke billow from New York's World Trade Center on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta)

From 9/11’s ashes, a new world took shape. It did not last.

I look at it from my own angle. I was below the north tower that morning, on the corner of West and Vesey streets. The smoke was so thick, it was tough to see and tougher to breathe. Rubble was falling, and when I heard the first of a series of loud cracks, I thought it was the sound of concrete debris striking the ground. But I was wrong. It was the sound of human beings hitting the pavement.

I focused on one person falling through the air, and shot eight frames. Then there was a huge noise, like an explosion. I just kept shooting; I thought maybe the roof had collapsed. I had no idea the whole building was falling, because I was too close.

An emergency technician saved my life; he yanked me away. The tower leaned toward us as we ran, and I stopped and shot nine more frames.

Stupid, probably, but when you’re in shock, it’s like you’re on automatic pilot.

Watching the tragedy unfold messed me up for a long time. I still take note of every plane I hear flying overhead, wondering if it’s friend or foe. But neither the photograph nor the initial reaction to it disturbs me. People ask how I could cold-bloodedly photograph someone dying. I never saw it that way. I made a photographic record of someone living the last moments of his life. And every time I look at it, I see him alive.

I have photographed dying. As a 21-year-old rookie photographer on a supposedly routine assignment, I was standing behind Robert F. Kennedy when he was assassinated. That time, there was no telephoto lens to distance me. I was so close that his blood spattered onto my jacket. I saw the life bleed out of him, and I heard Ethel’s screams. Pictures that, shot through my tears, still distress me after 35 years. But nobody refused to print them, as they did the 9/11 photo. Nobody looked away.

It’s hard to say why not. The RFK assassination changed the fabric of American history. But then, so did the destruction of the World Trade Center. The Kennedy pictures were more graphic and, in one sense, more personal. We knew him, as a public figure, a brother, a father and a husband.

It took me the better part of a year after Sept. 11 to even address the question. I was fending off post-traumatic stress syndrome, and I didn’t want to think about it. Then The Associated Press sent me to a camp run by former British special forces for training in how to survive in a hostile situation. You’d think simulating being attacked or kidnapped would have increased my anxieties. But I found it comforting. Knowing how to take even a few preventive measures gave me back a sense of control over my destiny.

As my anxieties abated, I continued to wonder why people reacted so differently to the photos of RFK and the World Trade Center.

One editor who objected to my photo said, “Americans don’t want to look at pictures of death and dying over their morning cornflakes.” I disagree. I think they’re fine with it, as long as the victims aren’t American.

During the Vietnam War, my friend and colleague Nick Ut took a photograph of a girl who’d been napalmed, running down the road in flames. The picture became an instant icon and won the Pulitzer Prize. But no one in the States worried about getting napalmed. The photo evoked sympathy, not empathy.

In the World Trade Center photo, it’s about personal identification. We felt we knew Bobby Kennedy, but we didn’t identify with him. We weren’t wealthy scions of a political dynasty or presidential candidates. We were just ordinary people who had to show up for work, day after day, more often than not in tall office buildings.

Just like the guy at the World Trade Center.

That’s what unsettles people about the picture. We look at it and we put ourselves in the jumper’s place. And we ask, “Which option would I choose? Would I wait and pray for help as the flames licked at me, or jump through fresh air and sunlight, to certain death?”

You see, the girl in Nick Ut’s picture was on fire. You can see the agony on her face. It’s horrifying, but it is not the face of America. The man in my picture is uninjured. He does not look like he’s in pain. But you know he is moments from death. And you can’t help but think, “That could have been me.”

Tom Junod, who wrote the article for Esquire, interviewed the families of several victims trying to identify the man he called “9/11’s Unknown Soldier.” He found their reactions varied according to their own feelings about mortality.

Some were insulted at the suggestion that their relative might have chosen death when he had a family at home (ignoring the fact that death was certain in any case). Others praised his decision to jump as an act of courage (ignoring the possibility that the man might have been forced to leap from the smoke-filled tower in order to breathe).

Though his quest proved fruitless, Junod eventually concluded, as I did, that the point was moot. For we already knew the identity of the man in the picture.

He was you and me.

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The Best Starter Chastity Cage

Birdlocked Silicone Neo Chastity Device

No masturbation, no fondling, and no infidelity. The NEO is the perfect device for the first time user to chastity devices and looking for a comfortable, naturally shaped device that molds itself around the lower stomach and penis. So there is NO Escape. It will not bulge in pants, so it will not be noticeable. It is made of soft silicone and not hard plastic and it is a good starter device.

A remarkable design coupled with long experience in the production of chastity cages makes the NEO a one-piece item with a very reliable locking system. Once the cage is in place it is impossible to remove it as the testicles are locked into the gap between the tube and the ring. This revolutionary locking system means that NEO has the advantage of being able to adapt itself to people of all shapes and sizes.

Ideal for…CBT ( cock and ball torture ), male chastity, submissive training, slave training.

Check out the Stockroom for more information on the device and how to order it in blank discreet packaging. The link is on My links page and below. However, Don’t forget to order the plastic numbered locks to go with it, little one!


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30 New Hypnosis Files Added

Just to let you all know that 30 New Hypnosis Files have just been added to the website and some new improvements have been made for you to get around easier. A Wish List has been added for those of you who are Free Members, so you can easily find files that you want to come back to again. Also, Related files will be recommended below existing files making it easy to find other files that might enjoy. In the near future I will also be adding additional pages to sub categorize the Hypnosis files so that they will easier for you to locate. In the meantime, you can still use the Keyword search words on the left of the page, to find all the files in those category’s that you would like to seek out.

I am constantly working on the website to make it better and easier for you. If you have any ideas or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact Me with your ideas!

Thank you so much!

Lady Draco

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What is Breath Play and is it Safe?

Breath Play should only be practiced with someone that is very experienced and does it a lot. Even still you should get to know the person well that you are playing with and trust them with your life before turning your power over, with an activity like this.  Much can go wrong and it is very risky in the wrong hands. There are many different types of breath play and some are much safer than others. The riskiest type is pressing on the carotid artery on the neck. This can make someone pass out in a matter of seconds. Blocking off a person’s airway in this way for too long, 10 seconds or more, can actually kill someone. This also reduces brain cells each time you play, in this manner. I personally recommend staying clear of this type of breath play which also can encompass a rope around the neck or something similar.

Cutting off the air in other ways is much safer, like face sitting or using an inflatable gag while pinching the nose. Many people get addicted to the increased high that they can achieve when cumming. Like I said previously you should never do these practices by yourself and only with someone that you know is experienced in breath play. I always practice Safe Sane and Consensual Play and everyone should be doing the same.

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I am Now Accepting Most Crypto Currencies

I know that some of you have been requesting to use your choice of Crypto Currency to make purchases on the website. I am pleased to announce that you NOW have the ability to do that!

Many coin options are now available


USD Coin

USD Coin

Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash
Just adding another layer of privacy and safety when you make a purchase!
Feel free to add to your cart an additional Tribute if you are pleased with the Products and Services that I provide to you. They are always Most Appreciated!!!
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So What is NLP Anyway?

So when I went to school I went for both NLP or neurolinguistic programming and Hypnosis. NLP is the technique that Richard Bandler created as a way to use conversation to get people to do things and to help them with everyday problems and issues in their lives. I have made up this short 20 minute MP3 file for you to listen to and understand it a bit better since I find it always better to hear something instead of just having to sit here and read it.


Lady Draco 




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It is Taking a Bit Longer

Than,I expected to get this website fully completed. So I hope you all hang in there with Me. Once I have finished adding all My existing content here, which is over 200 Files. My plan is to start creating NEW Exciting content that can only be found here!

Unlike many other sites, who have tons of RULES about what is allowed and NOT allowed. I created this site so I could do My own thing. I HATE following anyone’s RULES! This site is going to be a place where All interests and fetishes that are legal, can come and have a good time. Hypnosis and Domination Files on Golden Showers, Adult Baby, Pet Play and Fantasy incest just to name a few. I play to the Extreme in life so why should My website be any different?

I welcome you to join so you can receive Special Offers and My Coveted Weekly Free Files!

So, stick around for a bit as I grow. I promise it will be worth the wait!

Lady Draco

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What is Hypnosis?

I get this all the time. Is Hypnosis Safe? Can you make me do things that I do not want to do? The answer is always NO! Most people, they see movies or TV shows which depicts Stage Hypnosis and most people think they can be made to do things that they do not want to do, against their will. No one sees the back end, how ahead of time, assistants are cherry-picking the most suggestible from the crowd or even just using their own people. They ask them if they would have a problem doing, X. Maybe acting like a monkey on the stage. They need to do this because you can NOT DO ANYTHING under Hypnosis that you DO NOT ALREADY WANT TO DO. So as much as you would love for Me to force you, unless you really want that it will never happen. 

So, Fear not! Hypnosis is a very powerful tool of the Mind and it can help you in many ways and also take you into some incredible fantasies, making them feel very real. You just have to decide if that is the fantasy for you. If you Believe Hypnosis will work and you want to do something, then I can make you Feel it and make it Happen. Use your imagination. People who are smart are usually the ones that can go into Trance the easiest. Sometimes it takes finding the right Induction for you to just let yourself relax enough for you to just let Go! After that, it is all downhill from there!

 As a Professional I have many tools in My box to get you where you need to be and keep you coming back for more. To the place where you know you will get genuine Hypnosis and NLP, from a skilled and creative person who listens and wants to give you the Best Experience Possible.

Are you ready to Trance with Me NOW?

Lady Draco

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Hello world!

This is where you can Find Articles that I write and any News to keep you updated on. Like Discounts etc. New Files that have been added. Discount Codes etc. Check here often!
If you sign up with your email, you will receive a FREE File sent to you each Wednesday! I do not send emails out often so fear NOT! You will NOT be getting spam from ME! Your email is always held securely and privately for My eyes only. We get enough emails as it is and I will NOT abuse the privilege!
Thank you for allowing Me into your World!
Lady Draco
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