Yet Again, Even MORE Censorship

Many of you are aware how even sites like Mine which are Not porn are being targeted with the words that we can use to advertise like “Hypnosis” etc. I guess not many of you are objecting to this, as part of your Free Choice to see and Listen to whatever you like. This is how they are squeezing the whole industry and slowly making it all go away. Not just on My site but you see that it has been happening for the last 2 years here in the United States on All platforms. I have much more Freedom here on My website compared to the others however, now the powers that be are encroaching even further. Visa, Mastercard, Pre-Paid Cards are now making you jump through hoops to get the same content that you want by asking for more information from you or NOT allowing transactions to go through because of “their” so-called policies. Now, today we learn that American Express is banning any transactions. I personally do not use American Express but if you do, I would urge a Boycott on them for their practices.

This is supposed to be a Free Country where you can do and have access to anything that you want, as long as you do not hurt anyone. I see these moves as one step further down the road to them having total access to what you do and eventual Totalitarian Control over us all. Bankers are gaining more and more control over everyone with all digital currency taking over in 2025. I am a big advocate of stopping this Now in its tracks before it is too late.

Investigate and do your own research on these matters, not relying on so called fact checkers which are even more lies.  Keeping your Privacy Strong in today’s world has never been more important. I take your privacy and security as seriously as I do My own. While this is just the tip of the iceberg of what is happening, we are on a very slippery slope and it will take us all actually doing something to make a difference. Just say NO to this kind of censorship today while there is still a chance to change it. I feel that it is My duty to make you aware of what is happening if you do not realize it already. I hope that you will join Me in fighting for our Rights and our Privacy.

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Happy Birthday to Me!!

Monday will be My birthday! April 3rd! I hate when it lands on a weekday! Oh well, I still enjoy celebrating! Hopefully, I will hear from you! I am almost fully recovered from My being sick. Thank God that is over at long last. Spring is here and I am very excited for NEW things coming on My website and in the files! I hope you like all the new things!!!

Perhaps I will even get a gift or two. That would be very exciting! I now have a Wishlist and a safe private place that you can get order Me gifts if you like what I do for you!

Check it out and see what I have listed. I bet you will be surprised. 🙂

Thanks again for all your support of My website!!!

Lady Draco



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How can Hypnosis Help you?

In My daily practice, people come to Me for help with their everyday lives. That is not usually the case here, since this is Erotic Hypnosis. This however does not mean that you are not getting a lot of benefit from it that blends into your everyday life as well. You might be wondering how that could be. Well, instead of wasting your time looking at negative programming on the box or social media. Your Mind is being filled up with good, positive things! Also, Hypnosis can be a form of meditation for many people who find it hard to empty their minds and just think of nothing all by themselves.

It is always a good thing when you can just pause from the world and do something just for you in a healthy fun way. We each need to do things just for us. Living in such stressful environmental times can be very difficult. If you do not have one or more outlets that are good for you, you end up moving to things that make your life even more stressful.

Allowing Me and My files to relax you when you have the freedom and personal space just for you is very helpful for your sanity and you as a whole person. Not to mention a sexual being. Laying down somewhere quiet when you will not be disturbed and just closing your eyes is the first step for entering a trance state. The more often that you listen to a file the more your brain is altered. Listening on a loop while you sleep is also a great idea if you want the message to become part of you. You can always come back here to the website and redownload your files whenever you need them.

Those of you who have been listening for a while please do leave your opinions and what a difference going into trance has made in your daily lives. I would love to know!!!

Enjoy and get a little taste of calm in your daily routine, and some sex of course. 🙂

Lady Draco

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Happy Christmas!!!

For all those who are not subscribers to My newsletter. I just want to wish you a wonderful Christmas and New Year! Thank you SO much for all your support of My website over this past year. I am very grateful! If you ever have any ideas to share about things that you would like for Me to create, I am always willing to listen! This is going to be an Exciting New Year with a lot of New things that I have planned including stronger, more intense Hypnosis files. I really do enjoy connecting with each one of you individually. The better that I know you, the more exciting I can make My Hypnosis files for you! D/s is always a dual connection and I really get off on the Control as you know. 🙂

So, look out for Thrilling New things to come for the New Year! I am expecting to hear from you!

Thank you again for your loyalty to Me and My trances.

Enjoy and have lots of FUN in the days ahead, you deserve it!

Lady Draco

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NEW Merch Store!

I am very excited to announce that just in time for Christmas I have My NEW Merch Store Open!! You will find ALL kinds of products here that are vanilla in nature Tees, Sweatshirts, Loungewear, Mugs, Glasses, Ornaments, Hats, bags and not just for you men either. There are many items for the Ladies that Must be Obeyed as well as, tiny babies and our most precious pets. All girls of course! This is the slogan that most men should be living by and you will find it here, in many forms. ” She who must be OBEYED”.  This is for you and those women in your life who Control you!

Check out My New Store right now! See all the options available to you!


Lady Draco


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New Wish List Available

For all those that have been asking Me about why I have never had a proper Wish List. Now I DO! It is right on My main page at the top that says Wishlist. It is thru a well-known website called for content creators, which takes any product from amazon etc. and gets it to Me safely and privately.

So now if you want to send Me a gift you are now able to! I would greatly appreciate anything that you choose to send Me.

Thank you so much for your continued support!

Lady Draco


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Biometrics and Facial/Body Recognition Software Now being used on some websites!

If you use IWantClips you should be aware of this! An outside company called AdultVI is now in charge of all data going in and out of this website. This is why you will not find much of My material on there any longer and soon it will all be gone. This is the legal information that was put out a few months ago from Iwantclips. You should be aware that in the past 2 years alone there have been over half a dozen lawsuits settled out of court because these practices have been deemed illegal. Google/Snapchat, the IRS and Facebook are just three of them. I am sure that it will not take long before a class action suit is brought against iwantclips. Know who is doing what out there.
Examples of cases won regarding this same Privacy issue.     Facebook pays over 650 Million in damages.     IRS sued over taking of Medical Records   Google pays 100 Million for using the same Biometrics software.
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NEW Would you want a Monthly Rental Membership?

I like to come up with NEW and Exciting ways of offering Hypnosis to everyone! Since no one else is doing this I thought why not try this. I wanted to get your feedback first before I jump in with both feet like I normally do. What if you could rent My Hypnosis files just like you do with movies and audio books etc. Then for those files that you just have to have, you can then buy them for a reduced cost. You would get say 3 files per month at a 1/4 of the going of rate, say 35.99 a month for 3 files every month and be able to choose any file that is available for rental. You would just not be able to download the file and only have access to it for a certain amount of time. Unlike with purchase you own the file and can redownload it any time you want. I am just putting this together now and want your feedback as to how I will structure it.

I want everyone to be able to get what they want, and I also need to earn a living as well. So I am up for all your feedback and suggestions. If you want to email your ideas to Me you can do that also. For now I trying it on the Feature of the month for just 1/4 the cost of the file to try it. This is for those not familiar with My work.

If you would like to have some kind of rental system Say YES.

If you would prefer to just Own the files you can say NO.

Or you can say OTHER.

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Happy Masturbation May!

I bet you did not even realize that May was Masturbation month. Who would really? “They” whoever they are, keep coming up with crazy excuses to give praise to things that, in My opinion really, do not need recognizing.  We are living in a time where anything goes and surely what you get up to with yourself is no business of anyone else. So now that you realize this important Holiday month what do you think you will change if anything to celebrate? If you are like most people that I know, nothing at all will change because we all do this regularly, if not daily anyway.

So enjoy masturbation May, and when you do it, just like normal remember that some nutcase actually had to remind us to do it. LOL


Lady Draco

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NEW Social Media Credit Discounts are Here!

So you might be asking yourself, what is a social media credit? Well, it is a whole New way to help Me get onto Social Media websites that I am not a member of and let others know what I do! So if you use Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn and you find a File that you wish to Purchase on My site. You will notice now a hyperlink beneath it, that says SHARE in Pink. So, before you make that Purchase just CLICK on it and share that file on one of those 3 websites. Once you get back to My site you will Receive 10% OFF your whole order just for getting My Hypnosis and My name out there into the world! You can do this as many times as you want! Only on these 3 sites.

This is Social Media Credit, it helps us both. So spread the word and always get a Discount on My Files!


Lady Draco

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Who will save online Hypno?

If you have NOT yet noticed, all the large companies are Banning Hypnosis from their websites. The purge has been happening everywhere at an alarming speed, and not just for NSFW Content which is also dwindling down to the things that we are “allowed” to talk about and do in clips and files. Soon, there will not be much left except vanilla sex and I mean who wants that! Some of the companies that are cracking down are Etsy, Patreon, Iwantclips, Clips4sale, Niteflirt, Pornhub, Tumblr and youtube, just too name a few. As far as, I am concerned everything that is legal between two consenting adults and even fantasy should be allowed. That is what Free Speech is all about, after all. It appears while no one was paying attention like usual, our Freedoms are being slowly chipped away at with the excuse of Mastercard and the Banksters not allowing such content and stopping payments. Well, I am here to tell you that, is just BS. It goes much deeper than that. BDSM is all about the freedom to live your life in anyway that you want.

This crackdown from these banks and weak companies is not just about Hypnosis, but now also includes transformation, sexual slavery and content like feminization, sissification, bimbofication, expansion, muscle growth, intox and diaper play. These genres of kink fall under Mastercard/Bank of America’s umbrella ban on the glorification of sexual violence?? Lumping us all in with criminals who are in the human trafficking trade? It must be that these fools look at the movies and stage Hypnosis acts and think, that just anyone can force people to do things against their will. They must be using completely unrealistic depictions of hypnosis and mind control; even magic which obviously cannot be emulated in real life. Considering 99% of the so-called HypnoDom’s claiming to do Hypnosis never had any real training at all. It is highly unlikely they, are a threat of any kind. So I ask you Hypno fans and BDSM lifestyle, people. Are you OK with your Choices and Options being taken away from you, by banks??? I can tell you that I am NOT! More people need to become aware of what is actually going on now, before even more kinks are eliminated, and they will be with these big giant website companies.



Clips4sale was bought out this year by a major corporation and purged of much of its content. The owner Neil is staying on for now during the transition. However, you can not even use the word Hypnosis instead it is called Mesmerism, and the bigger that the company becomes the more purging will be on the horizon. Another main site for this purge now is IWantClips, which in My opinion is about to go under, like AVN Stars just did, because of all the purging and not having enough staff to even approve new clips for over a month. Content providers are running for the hills to start their own websites as fast as they can, if they haven’t already. These big content websites are allowing themselves and their business to be dictated to by Bankers? If people knew this was happening on all these sites in such a Big Way, I do not think anyone would be using Mastercard or the other credit cards. Instead, people would opt to use Crypto as a payment. Is it really the banks or does it go further than that? Of course, it does. Banks run our lives and while everyone is focused on other things they do not even notice that their FUN is being stolen right out from under them. There are plenty of articles all over the internet about this very issue. All anyone need do, is just look and read.



There are a few Hypno sites that only do Hypnosis, well if you want to call it that, like Hypnotube and they seem to be OK and not allowing it to affect their business somehow. Pornhub took down over 10 million of their videos many of them Hypno videos and I bet, no one even noticed! Now that the internet, which was created in the US, was given to Brussels by Obama, under his reign over 10 years ago, we no longer have the freedoms that we use to have. It has been on a long, very slow push to remove many websites and types of content that many people enjoy and want to engage in. Hypnosis being one of them. A total power exchange relationship TPE, being another. Even Fetlife, a Candian co. who at first in 2017 said they would not censor content DID, removing Hypnosis groups and Consensual/ NonConsent just to name two, they did remove many more.

My content and My account was banned from twitter, one of the worst culprits for censoring free speech since Fedbook. Another major culprit of banning content is youtube.

It does not matter where you live. We all want basic freedoms to live our lives the way we choose. In the open or behind closed doors. Otherwise, we are living in tyranny. Who will stand up for your rights to live the way that you want to? For the enjoyment of Real Hypnosis, feminization, TPE, Erotic BDSM. Whatever kink that you have, I welcome them all. No matter how the world outside sees us. We need to Ban together and stop this in its tracks NOW and just decide to NOT DO business with sites that Censor your kinks and ultimately your Freedoms! Because it WILL NOT STOP there!



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