Analytical Minds will love this Confusion Induction taking you into a Deep Amnesia Trance. My Control is All that you Need. Just zone out and Zero out your Mind while I implant an Anchored Trigger that will pop up later in an amazing way for you time and time again! Who Owns you? Lady Draco thats Who! Even the most resistant minds will drop deep for Me. I will Own and Control your Mind and then just Eliminate it! This is a Real Hypnosis MP3 file lasting 45 minutes with light background music, Subliminal Messages, Delta Waves and Binaural Beats. Be sure to listen only when lying down with earbuds. ZERO your Mind for Me right NOW little boy!

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    This amnesia file was graciously recommended by Lady Draco to contribute to my hypnosis training:
    • It uses a lengthy and highly original induction (involving 8 digits) that is bound to keep those analytical minds busy and drop you deep.
    • Background music and binaurals that are soft enough for nighttime looping.
    • Unless you happen to be permanently bald, the effects of this file will likely be triggered by a real-life action that happens once every other month or so (sorry, no spoilers).

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