You start off feeling so tingly on the top of your cock, then it starts to spread, and soon you are SO Itchy you just want to Scratch that Itch. You know it will feel amazing to do it. I instruct you to start taking care of that itchy itch. You soooo need to be Dominated and told to keep stroking and scratching that itchy itch until at last you get permission. This is a Erotic Domination MP3 file 8:25 minutes in length with light background music. You Feel it Already!
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I love the voice of Lady Draco, it’s naturally dominant.
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The erotic and stern type of voice Lady Draco uses in this recording is different than what She uses in the trance recordings i have heard so far.
Lady Draco has many facets. All of which are splendidly addicting.
Time to find my next recording by Lady Draco…
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