No Limit Slave

A submissive male’s dream come true. Empty your Mind and just Melt for Me. I can keep you like this always. Deep in that perfect Mindless state of being, where all you want to do is OBEY. I keep pushing the envelope faster and harder, to the point where you will have No limits with Me. You can even Now taste that rush of Danger that you keep longing for. A Trigger keeps you always in a constant state of slave like bliss while an embedded Mantra is programmed into your subconscious mind. This is a Real Hypnosis MP3 file lasting 49 minutes in length with light background music, Subliminal messages, Binaural Beats, Delta waves and a Multi-Layered voice track. You will Serve and Obey always after listening to this file and you know you Desire this………….

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  • No Limit slave

    Tic Tox, tic Tox, tic Toc.
    Beginning with a pocket watch induction, making you dropping deeper than ever.
    Listen to this file 3 times and you will crave
    to be a no limit slave for LadyDraco.
    I listened to it 3 times…

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  • No Limit slave

    Absolutlly controlled, totally lost my mind. I have to do evverythinng she say. This file is amaizing, be caferul because it is extremly hard.

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  • No Limit slave

    Mind blowing and life changing. I have no words

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