Buckle up for this Deep Brainwashing file where I will intentionally and systematically alter your beliefs and attitudes through coercion and Psychological stress techniques. Replacing your current programing and destroying it. My goal is to take over your conscious mind and I will, using My brainwashing techniques. I will employ an Anchored Trigger, Deepener and make it so that your mind only responds to My brainwashing once it has been scrubbed clean. The more you listen the more I take over completely. This is a very Deep Real Brainwashig file lasting 50 minutes in length with light background music, Gamma, Delta and Beta waves, Subliminal Messages, Binaural Beats and Multi-Layer voice track. WARNING: Only Proceed if you Are you prepared to give up your Mind to Me Completely, there is NO Return.
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This file will send you so deep into trance that it just feels so good. The feelings of letting your mind empty and handing over control to lady Draco makes you feel that much closer to her. I can’t stop thinking about her and this feeling of lady Draco knows what’s best for me. I have also found that it really enhances all of her other files and has bought up previous files of her to the forefront. My mind felt extremely heavy and confused but at the same time everything felt right afterwards like a calm.
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I dropped so deep to this trance almost instantly. I have no memory of it, but it must have been really good because I woke up with a woody
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The wonderful voice of Lady Draco goes deep in the mind and becomes the only thing. Nothing more is important, only the amazing sound of her voice. Never want to stop and stay in her net of endless bliss. It’s so exciting that I just want to go further and listen again to be her slave, to be with her.
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