Dumb Down, Become a JOCK
This is a Deep Hypnosis file to turn you into the male version of a Bimbo. The Dumb Hot Jock. Admit it, you always wanted to be one. To have a totally ripped body with six pack abs so you can get more and more sex and be desired by all. Nothing matters more to you than how you look and how to become even Hotter. Brains are NOT needed and in fact they are useless. To hear Me say, ” Just sit there and look good”. So just Dumb Down and Become even Better and more attractive!! Everyone wants to do the football player. This 27 minute MP3 file with light background music, subliminal messages and delta waves to make you go very deep fast, so you can be transformed into the perfect male. Everyone wants to fuck you with those giant muscles and big cock. You can Become the Perfect Jock right NOW!
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