Buckle up for a Hot Custom where you are Forced to have hands free orgasms whenever you are Triggered. Do NOT think that you will be able to escape Me and just think of something else to take your mind off cumming. I have been controlling you for too long now and you are SO Weak and Needy. You know you Crave it. Not only Me taking your Mind but also now using your body without any will of your own makes Me happy. You will be Forced to Explode for Me not only in this file, but while you are out and about living your daily life. So you may as well just keep a condom on just in case you wet yourself in your pants. You know it will happen. You know I take great joy in Owning your Mind and Controlling you on many levels. This Deep Trance will Prove My Power over you little boy. You are Not going anywhere but wherever I tell you. Just feel the intensity of the pleasure as you do not have to even touch yourself, as it just increases over and over again in waves. Triggered to just Obey. This is a Real Hypnosis brainwashing MP3 file lasting 46 minutes in length with light background music, Subliminal Messages, Delta waves, Binaural Beats and a Multi-layered voice track. Just turn Off and Experience pure ecstasy. You will be exploding by the end whether you want to or not.
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Again an extremely strong induction. I am dropping very deep, any listening a little bit more…
I love that idea that a female hand is stroking your libido, up and down and up and down.
There is some slight humiliation in this file. My subconscious was easily able to fade it out.
This file is pulling me in again and again. Reaching a hands free orgasm and seeing my Supernova
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