Edgy, Deep, Dark, Fantasy Hypnosis Trance takies you Deep into the Outer Abyss. Unlike anything I have created before.This Custom file will take you to the edge of reality and beyond it into the Dreamworld of Lovecraft. Experience the shadow beings, the Lady Azathoh of the Darkness as you are toyed with. As a Deepener just takes you further and further into this dream world. Tied in the Mist where you are the plaything at the center of an orgy of beings. Where Pain is Pleasure and you love every minute, as an Anchored Trigger keeps bringing you back here time and time again as you Dream of more. More Stories are being communicated to you, every time you cum back to this dark place again and again. Are you dreaming? Or is this Real……This is a Real Hypnosis file lasting 43 minutes in length with dark background music, Subliminal Messages, Heavy Binaural Beats, Delta Waves and a Multi-Layer Voice Track. Hold on to your seat for one wild ride into the depths of Darkness.
Oh my word, I listened to this for what seemed like an hour on repeat and lost about 9 hours of my life. I can’t remember the detail but it was very atmosphericand suspenseful. I feel changed and am waiting to find out how, maybe on my second listen! Feeling great!
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Very dark and mystical.
Becoming One with my Mistress.
I love it
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