CIA Mind Control

Real Mind Breaking Techniques used by the gov. since the 1950’s will be employed to Break and Control your Mind forever. Feel free to use your Drug of Choice at the beginning of this file, to get your Mind all soft and pliable for Me. This can Hypnosis file can be used with or without any Intox. however the gov. does use Psychedelics to enhance the effects. Be prepared to have your Mind Controlled like Never before, as I pull out all the stops using many different techniques to take over your Brain. Since this is an Amnesia file you may not remember much, but the Embedded Triggers will remain forever in your Psyche. This is a Very Deep Trance File where you will Obey and give up Control to Me on a lasting basis, so be prepared for that. This Real Hypnosis MP3 File lasts 44 minutes in length with light background music, Subliminal Messages, Delta and Gamma Waves and Strong Binaural Beats. Earbuds are required for the full the immersive effect. Loose ALL Control and Obey Me Forever. NO ESCAPE!

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  • cia mind control

    wish i could give this six stars – best file ever. went so deep and getting deeper with every file that i listen to. this is the sort of control i’ve always dreamed of, and the way my sissy cock kept twitching all through the file shows how strong Mistress’s power is becoming. i only crave even more and deeper control

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