Your nipples are sensitive now, but just wait until I am finished with you! I want those nipples EXTRA large, EXTRA Erect with a Direct line down to your cock! By the end of this File, you will be able to CUM just with the touch of My fingernail on that Nipple! That is how sensitive you will have become for Me in Trance. You will also train those nipples for Me daily in future just like all good boys do. I use NLP as well as Traditional Hypnosis to get the effect I desire for you. This is an Erotic Hypnosis Brainwashing MP3 file 33 minutes in length with subliminal messages, delta waves and background music. I have also implanted a Trigger for you to use to keep up your daily training for Me. Become EXTRA Hard EXTRA Sensitive right NOW!
Users who purchased Brainwashed for Extra Sensitive Nipples, also purchased:

Wow, I’ve found it hard in the past to trance, but your voice and techniques brought me straight in to a submissive and obedient state. I’m looking forward to undertaking this daily and enjoying the ongoing training and trance of these sensitive nipples,
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