Automatic Orgasm

Feel yourself going under to a place of Erotic Arousal where your Sensations are heightened to the Extreme! This is a Training File to get you to Cum whenever you see a HOT girl with an exposed thong or thong bathing-suit. Multiple listens help embed it into your subconscious mind even more deeply. Also to get you to cum easily whenever you drop into trance for Me in the future during My files or over the phone. Two Triggers are used to get you to CUM for Me Automatically whenever you see a thong. On the beach, or by accident when a Lady bends over. Multiple visuals take you to that place that you long to be. Those with the Fetish for Ladies Thongs will love this file. I use Deepener’s’ to get you SO Deep in Trance that you have No other Choice but to CUM when the Triggers are pulled, no matter where you are. This is a Real Hypnosis MP3 File 46 minutes in length with light background music, 6 layers of sound and voice tracks, Delta waves Subliminal Messages, Binaural Beats and an Extra Voice track. Get ready for summer and never be the same again!

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  • Very Deep Control

    This is one of the best files I have ever tried. Lady Draco sends you into deeper and deeper oblivion with a very nice trick. Recommend for both experienced people and amateurs.
    But one should also be careful, as you may be more open to Lady Draco’s spells after listening to this file. It’s already too late when you notice it with the conscious mind.

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