This is a Custom Ultra Deep Trance file that gives Me Complete Control over you Forever. This is an Amnesia file so you will Not remember it, but all the Triggers that I have implanted in your mind you will live out on a daily basis, for Me. You will have the Compulsion to listen to this file every day, Brainwashing you even more and more completely. I will make you do things to keep you on the EDGE every day. Becoming closer and closer to Me no matter how much your might want to Resist. I will OWN you Forever, after this file little one. Always Needing to BEG for My Permission to Cum or get off. I will now be your lifeline to orgasms. Denial, Service and always feeling Submissive will be your NEW world. Analytical Minds will love this Confusion Induction and Deepener. Go deeper than ever, and be Programmed by Me. I am your Mistress and Owner. Feel the Training! This is a Real Hypnosis MP3 file lasting 49 minutes with light background music and 6 layers of sound and voice tracks. Subliminal Messages, Delta and Gamma Waves and Binaural Beats, as well as, an extra voice track. Take the plunge, and experience what True Ownership is like.
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The amnesia part of this file is very strong so I can’t describe too much. I listened to this once, twice, and through the whole night. I woke up without really remembering the triggers but I know that I will obey them. I feel so much closer to my Mistress now that I have been able to give up control and it feels so good!
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A month, every night, every morning, I would take my headphones off and think to myself maybe I’ll remember it next time. I don’t remember gathering up what I had to gather, just tossing the bag in the dumpster. I don’t remember picking out the replacements at the store, just the strange look on the cashiers face. As for the other, feature of this file I don’t even remember forgetting to try.
Sorry it is very hard to post a review without spoiling the fun. Totally worth picking this up!
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This amnesia file contains a strongly voiced command (not suggestion) to listen to it every day, effectively making this a curse file. I had to listen to each part separately to be able to provide this review:
• It first uses a lengthy and unusual induction that pushes the conscious mind to its limits, before embedding what will become, for many, a new real-life daily habit reminding one of Lady Draco’s 24/7 control (sorry, no spoilers).
• It then follows this up with a fractionation deepener before resuming the programming and adding the permanent release control stated in the description.
• Background music and pulsing binaurals are soft enough for nighttime looping to ensure that this programming is embedded ever deeper.
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Don’t really remember much but I feel a compulsion to go deeper.
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