For Real Hypnosis Enthusiasts what can be better than a file where I alter your mind and you can’t even remember what I have done. 🙂 I know that all you want is to become My Mindless Hypno Drone. Dropping Deeper and just allowing Me to play around with your Mind for awhile. Maybe when you wake up later if your trigger is used perhaps it will give you a clue what I did. A bit Evil but very fun! This is Only for the Experienced Real Hypnosis Fans or those willing to take a Risk. This is a Real Hypnosis MP3 File loosely based on an Elman Induction lasting 42 minutes in length with light background music, Subliminal Messages, Gamma Waves, Pink Noise and Binaural Beats. Do you have what it takes for My file, little boy?
I woke from this trace about 15 minutes ago. If I listened to it before I don’t remember. I’m leaving a review before I forget to. The review from Michel intrigued because I live in New England. Without leaving any spoilers, I now understand his reference to “northern climes.” However that’s about all I remember about this session.
It has a novel induction that took me very deep and then I was gone until Lady Draco counted me out of trance. She’s very good a what she does. Thank you, Lady Draco.
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This amnesia file was graciously recommended by Lady Draco to contribute to my hypnosis training:
• It uses an induction with a lengthy countdown whose numbers I eventually lost track of. I had to skip it to be able to complete this review.
• It introduces a keyword trigger that is meant to be used by Lady Draco to activate all of the subsequent programming, but that you may encounter in real-life, especially during springtime for those living in northern climes;-)
• Background music and pulsing binaurals are soft enough for nighttime looping to ensure that this trigger and programming are fully embedded.
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