I am Now Accepting Most Crypto Currencies

I know that some of you have been requesting to use your choice of Crypto Currency to make purchases on the website. I am pleased to announce that you NOW have the ability to do that!

Many coin options are now available


USD Coin

USD Coin

Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash
Just adding another layer of privacy and safety when you make a purchase!
Feel free to add to your cart an additional Tribute if you are pleased with the Products and Services that I provide to you. They are always Most Appreciated!!!
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What is Hypnosis?

I get this all the time. Is Hypnosis Safe? Can you make me do things that I do not want to do? The answer is always NO! Most people, they see movies or TV shows which depicts Stage Hypnosis and most people think they can be made to do things that they do not want to do, against their will. No one sees the back end, how ahead of time, assistants are cherry-picking the most suggestible from the crowd or even just using their own people. They ask them if they would have a problem doing, X. Maybe acting like a monkey on the stage. They need to do this because you can NOT DO ANYTHING under Hypnosis that you DO NOT ALREADY WANT TO DO. So as much as you would love for Me to force you, unless you really want that it will never happen. 

So, Fear not! Hypnosis is a very powerful tool of the Mind and it can help you in many ways and also take you into some incredible fantasies, making them feel very real. You just have to decide if that is the fantasy for you. If you Believe Hypnosis will work and you want to do something, then I can make you Feel it and make it Happen. Use your imagination. People who are smart are usually the ones that can go into Trance the easiest. Sometimes it takes finding the right Induction for you to just let yourself relax enough for you to just let Go! After that, it is all downhill from there!

 As a Professional I have many tools in My box to get you where you need to be and keep you coming back for more. To the place where you know you will get genuine Hypnosis and NLP, from a skilled and creative person who listens and wants to give you the Best Experience Possible.

Are you ready to Trance with Me NOW?

Lady Draco

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This is where you can Find Articles that I write and any News to keep you updated on. Like Discounts etc. New Files that have been added. Discount Codes etc. Check here often!
If you sign up with your email, you will receive a FREE File sent to you each Wednesday! I do not send emails out often so fear NOT! You will NOT be getting spam from ME! Your email is always held securely and privately for My eyes only. We get enough emails as it is and I will NOT abuse the privilege!
Thank you for allowing Me into your World!
Lady Draco
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