30 New Hypnosis Files Added

Just to let you all know that 30 New Hypnosis Files have just been added to the website and some new improvements have been made for you to get around easier. A Wish List has been added for those of you who are Free Members, so you can easily find files that you want to come back to again. Also, Related files will be recommended below existing files making it easy to find other files that might enjoy. In the near future I will also be adding additional pages to sub categorize the Hypnosis files so that they will easier for you to locate. In the meantime, you can still use the Keyword search words on the left of the page, to find all the files in those category’s that you would like to seek out.

I am constantly working on the website to make it better and easier for you. If you have any ideas or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact Me with your ideas!

Thank you so much!

Lady Draco

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